What We Do

Over 300 million Indians live without access to the most basic essentials; homes with light, water, food, education, sanitation and livelihoods. That is 25% of our population. Of these, 134 million Indians live below the poverty line.

Our Work

We are working every day, since 2010, to change this.
To bring rural India, the forgotten Bharat, into the light. We pivot development on solar power, an affordable, continuous and sustainable source of energy, and design frameworks unique to the needs of each village.
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* A few of our projects for your reference.
Homes illuminated
Streets made safer
Villages transformed
Acres of land brought under cultivation
Acres of land brought under irrigation
Litres of clean drinking water made available each day
Metric tonnes of carbon emission neutralized
Schools brought out from darkness

How We Work

We identify villages in need, and partner with experienced grassroot partners in the particular region, to help develop and implement an intervention that addresses the specific needs of the community.

Our Approach

Our youth, donors, partners, and beneficiaries are all stakeholders in every intervention. We believe expertise and transparency pillar the pathway of understanding each village’s requirements and implementing frameworks that allow us to fulfill those needs.

Our Model For Every Intervention

Our Model For Every

We engage in an evolving 5 Point Transformation Model that ensures the impact of every intervention, no matter the type, on these particular touch points.

Stories of change

The Road Ahead to Sustainable Rural Development

Our work in a village is only and ever complete when it’s residents are empowered and adequately equipped to further their own development. It is what makes our model scalable, leaving us to believe in the future of a self-sufficient and sustainable rural India.

Live Projects To Donate

Light Up Lives

Home to tribals that are surviving in absolute darkness, with relatively no access to the basic essentials of light and water, 150 homes in this village are in desperate need of light

Adopt a School

Home to 92 children, many of whom belong to migrant worker families, the hostel has poor access to electricity, leaving these underprivileged children in darkness

Transform a Village

Morhanda Village is a largely agricultural village where villagers have limited access to electricity and water, and no continuous income. With solar powered lift irrigation we can help develop Morhanda into a self-sufficient and sustainable village
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