Our Approach
Pre Implementation
#1 Identify Requirements

#2 Technical and Field Assessment
#3 Develop Framework For Intervention

#1 Establish Best Practices
There are many ways to build an intervention, however, the most effective remains ways that allow villagers to share their own indegenious knowledge of the region and culture. Knowledge sharing with partners is also key to establishing best practices.
#2 Construction
Our projects have a unique feature wherein the villagers perform as stakeholders in their own development by contributing effort, shramdaan, and land, bhoodan, for the construction of the intervention. Depending upon the type of intervention, the construction phase of the intervention takes an average of 60 days.
#3 Follow Budget and Timelines
#4 Community Education

Post Implementation
#1 Ensure Sustainability
Using a sustainable resource is not enough. True sustainability is achieved when villages are able to sustain the intervention after the exit of the implementing organization. We invest in forming committees, and training villagers to use the quality equipment that is provided with warranties and services.

#2 Monitoring & Evaluation
#3 Impact Assessment