Pre Implementation

#1 Identify Requirements

Each village presents its own unique challenges. A detailed primary study is conducted to understand the needs of the villagers, that help us to outline our points of intervention. Additionally, a community’s willingness to participate is important, since the effectiveness of the intervention requires participation to sustain itself over time

#2 Technical and Field Assessment

A feasibility study and technical assessment is carried out to outline the landscape and potential to use natural resources without creating a detrimental impact on the environment. Terrain and current access to necessities play a significant role in defining the potential framework.

#3 Develop Framework For Intervention

Context drives which kind of intervention is most feasible and effective for a village or region. While a model exists, it requires innovation and adaptation to address the specific needs of its users. We ensure the intervention proposed is one that provides the best possible outcome for the villagers, and gives them the opportunity to sustain it in the future



#1 Establish Best Practices​

There are many ways to build an intervention, however, the most effective remains ways that allow villagers to share their own indegenious knowledge of the region and culture. Knowledge sharing with partners is also key to establishing best practices.

#2 Construction

Our projects have a unique feature wherein the villagers perform as stakeholders in their own development by contributing effort, shramdaan, and land, bhoodan, for the construction of the intervention. Depending upon the type of intervention, the construction phase of the intervention takes an average of 60 days.

#3 Follow Budget and Timelines

Inspite of the pandemic and weather patterns, our team and partners ensure the fastest possible delivery for the intervention, not for the urgency to complete the project, but for the villager to receive access to essentials at the earliest. We believe in continuous dialogues with our stakeholders allowing for any future needs assessments.

#4 Community Education

Our intervention is not complete until we are able to educate our villagers on its purpose and empower them to use the intervention to further their own development. Interactions are conducted frequently to address the villagers’ questions and provide them guidance on how to nurture their newfound development.
Copy of KTE_026-min
Adgaon 20.03.2021 - PS2-min
Assam 09.06.2015 PS2-min

Post Implementation

#1 Ensure Sustainability

Using a sustainable resource is not enough. True sustainability is achieved when villages are able to sustain the intervention after the exit of the implementing organization. We invest in forming committees, and training villagers to use the quality equipment that is provided with warranties and services.


#2 Monitoring & Evaluation

Understanding when projects aren’t functioning helps us learn how to make them more successful. Our on ground partners are essential to this part of the process as they ensure their thumb is consistently on the pulse of the interventions, monitoring them during and after implementation.

#3 Impact Assessment

Following best practices, we provide impact assessments at the end of recommended and mandated period, dependent on the type of intervention conducted. As per donor requirements we also invite external assessors to measure the quantitative and qualitative impact of the project.

Our Partners In Purpose​

The integrity of our work, and the ability to deliver exactly what our villagers need, comes from our eyes, ears and hands on the ground. The rural organizations that help us research and execute our interventions, work hand in hand with us to create frameworks that are viable and sustainable. Our vendors, who supply the equipment for each intervention, are equally invested in the development of rural India, and along with our knowledge sharing and resource partners, remain aligned with Project Chirag, in passion and in purpose.