No matter the geographical location of a country, the women of that nation have an important role to play – if given the opportunities, women can help not only with the improving of the community they live in, but also with nation building. Rural women in India play a crucial role in the country’s economic and social fabric, however, they often face systemic challenges such as lack of access to education, financial resources, and employment opportunities.

While, there might not be a one-stop solution to this issue, economic empowerment could be one of the keys to breaking these barriers and building a gender-equal society.

All that needs to be done for empowering rural women in India

At Project Chirag, we work at the grassroot level and with women in rural India, allowing us to get an insight and a clear idea of what their real issues are and what barriers they face in their day-to-day lives. 

In order to build a society that is gender equal, merit based and one that allows everyone an opportunity to thrive, there is a need to empower women economically. The pathway to achieving the same is multi-pronged and here are some methods to do the same: 

Harnessing solar power for economic and social change

 Solar power provides an alternative to unreliable grid electricity, because this is a more reliable energy source. With proper access to electricity, there will be an improvement in the daily life and business opportunities for women. 

  • Women can prove to be extremely talented entrepreneurs, provided they are given the change – by training them to install, maintain, and sell solar panels, a sustainable source of income can be created. 
  • Solar-powered lighting reduces dependence on kerosene lamps, which cause indoor air pollution and health risks. Better health could translate into more working days and better productivity for not only the women, but also other members of the household.
  • As simple as it might sound, but homes with solar lighting allow girls to study after sunset, improving literacy rates. Being literate will bring better employment opportunities along with them as well. 

Solar powered water pumps enable efficient irrigation, increasing agricultural productivity for women farmers, empowering women in rural India.

Improving sanitation: health, dignity, and productivity

Empowering women economically is one factor, because empowerment goes beyond just financial independence. 

  • Several women, in various parts of rural India have to wake up in the wee hours of the day, so that they can relieve themselves in open fields, without being seen. Building gender-segregated toilets in villages can help ensure privacy and safety. 
  • Women in rural India often face several medical conditions, because they do not have access to sanitary products and hygiene education. Imparting not only education, but also access to necessary products can improve things drastically.
  • There is also the fact that sanitation and hygiene is not only for women – even men need to be educated as the importance of sanitation is connected to the health of the entire community and economic well-being. 
  • Ensuring clean drinking water is yet another step that needs to be taken, as the reduction of waterborne diseases, allows women more time for economic activities.

Empowering women in agriculture: From farmers to entrepreneurs

Women in rural India have a huge role to play in the agricultural field, however, despite their efforts, they often not given the importance they deserve. 

  • There is a need to advocate for the legal rights for women to own and inherit land. 
  • Women farmers should have access to quality seeds and equipment and in addition to that, they should also be provided training to improve crop yield and reduce dependency on middlemen. 
  • If women are given the chance to join Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs), where they will have access to information and will get to learn about better pricing and access to larger markets. 
  • Via agro-processing units, women can be trained in subsidiary practices like food preservation and production of value-added products like jams, sauces, pickles and such to enhance their income.

Education and digital inclusion: Breaking barriers

The establishment of any women empowerment program would be considered incomplete without education – basic education and in the modern world of today, digital education, have both become mandatory and exposing rural women of the country to both of these could definitely help build a more equitable society. 

  • Through adult literacy programs, women can be educated on financial literacy, business management, and legal rights. 
  • Promoting STEM and technical education, especially amongst the girls of rural India, could help open avenues in multiple fields for job opportunities. 
  • Given the way the world is moving forward with digital devices and platforms, women in rural India need to be upskilled in mobile banking, online selling, and e-governance services.

Integrated village development has to have a holistic approach

Women are a part of the community and in order for them to thrive the entire community needs to have an opportunity to grow. Empowering rural women cannot happen in isolation: 

  • Skill development centres need to be established, where vocational training programs for tailoring, handicrafts, food processing, and digital literacy can be imparted to all members of the community. 
  • Microfinance and self-help groups can help provide women with access to small loans and financial literacy programs to start businesses. 
  • Through women’s cooperatives, collective entrepreneurship can be encouraged and that can enhance economic security and market reach. 
  • And although it might seem disconnected, there is a need to improve roads, markets, and communication networks, which are imperative to facilitating business expansion. 

Empowering rural women economically is not just about financial independence – it’s about breaking barriers, ensuring dignity, and fostering long-term sustainable development. By integrating solar power, sanitation, agriculture, and education, India can create an inclusive economy that uplifts women and the communities they support and your community development donation can help pave the way for a truly gender-equal society where every woman has the opportunity to thrive.

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